Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

164 houses full of coales, into which, if the cavaliers had put auy men, they might have done much mischiefc, to the assai lants, wherefore the governor sent two or th ree souldiers, who very boldly went allmost under their workes and fired them both, by the light of whid1, burping all night, the governor's men wrought all that night, in their trenches, and cult a trench in the mcadowes, some of them calling to the cavaliers in the fort, and keeping them in abusive replies, one upon another, while the pioneers carried on their workes; the governor and his brother, and all the other officers, continuing all. night in the trenches with them, they behav'd themselves so chearcfully, that the governor gave them the next morning twenty pounds, and they had very good drinke and provisions brough.t them out of the garrison, which much cncourag'cl them, but the governor's presence and alacrity among them much more. ·when Derby men. came on Tuesday, the Dutch maior· came downe to the trenches, and told the governor that he wonder'd he would attempt the fort, for it was impregnable, and therefore much diss wadcd him from • going on, and say'cl be and his men would returne. The governor told him he and the souldiers with him were resolv'd to leave their lives rather then their attempt, and if they fail' cl for want of seconding, by that force which was sent with him to their assistance, let the blame lie on him. Whet~ the Derby officers saw him so resolute to persist, they, after much disswasion and dispute, detennin'd to stay, and the- officers went up with the governor to supper in th€ castle; the souldiers to quariers provided for them in the towne : but after supper, the governor went downc againe, and stay'd all night in the trenches with his men, and left them not as long as they stay'd there, but only to fetch downe wltat was necessary for them. He, his brother, and all the officers, were every night with them, and made them continue their custome of rayling at each other in the darke, while they carried on their approaches. There was in the Trent, a little piece of ground which, by damming up.