Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

166 being so out that the horse could not ford over. Mr. George I-h!tchinson and his company were appoynted to possesse and keepe the fort at the bridges, which he did, and the next weeke the garrison kept a clay of solemne thanksgiving to God, for this successe and the mercy in it, whereby all their men were preserv'd, notwithstanding their very bold adventures, so that not one of them was slaine, and but four of them wounded, whereof three were so slightly hurt, that they return'd againe next clay into the field. To enc rease their · thankes to God, newes was brought them that the same weeke the forces that went out from Ne\vark ioyn'cl with Henderson's had receiv'd a greate overthrow by Cromwell, and my Lord Newcastle had been forc'd to rayse his siege of Hull with great losse and dishonor. Some time after the bridge was recover'cl, the horse went forth and brought in some oxen of Mr. John ·wood's, a iustice of the county, disaffected to the parliament, but not in action against them. He, following his oxen, came to the governor, and, after he had dispatcht his businesse, told him how Mr. Sutton would have once employ'd him on a message, to offer the governor any termes he· would aske the king, to come over to his side and deliver up the castle to his use. Mr. Wood told him, such a message might not obteine ereclitt, unlesse he had some propositions in writing, whereupon he call'd for pen and iuke; and writ that he should offer the· governor, if he would resigne his castle, not only to be receiv'cl into favour, but to have what reward of honour, mony, or command, himselfe would propound; which paper when Mr. Wood had receiv'd, Sr. Richard Biron came in, and Mr. Sutton told him the businesse, to which Sr. Richard answer'd, he believ'd it would not take effect, for he himselfe had made the like offers to him, and bene ;eiected :' which Mr. Wood hearing, would not undertake the c This is the second instance of attempting Col. Hutchinson's fidelily, but the mos t nmarkable one will be found in the sequel.