167 employment, but the governor made him declare the story to two of the gentlemen of the committee. The governor not growing secure by successes, was but stirr'd up to more active preparations for the defence of the place he had undertaken, and having a very ingenuous person, l\1r. Hooper, who was his engineer, and one that understood all kind of operations, in allmost all things imaginable, they procur'd some saltpeter-men and other necessary labourers, and sett up the making of ponder and match in the castle, both which they made very good; they alsoe cast mortar pieces in the towne, and finisht maily other inventions for the defence of the place. The governor also caus'd a mount neere the castle to be bulwark'd, and made a platforme for ·ordinance, and rays'd a new worke before the castle gates, lo keepe of approaches, and made a new in-worke in the fort at the bridges. Sr. Thomas :Fairfax, being overmaster'd in the North , by the Earlc of Newcastle's greate armie, after his father was retir'd into Hull, came with those horse, that were left him, into the Vale of Belvoir, and so visited Nottingham castle, where he and the commanders that were with him, considering of what advantage it was to the parliament to keepe that place, by reason of the commodious situation of it, and the passe which might be there maintain'd, between the north and south, and the happie retreate it m1ght afford to their northern forces, he very much presst the governor and the committee to raise all the force they could, offering arms and commissions for them: especially he prest the governor to compleate a regiment for himselfe, which at that time he would not accept, because Collonell Pierrepont had not yett declar'd what he would doe with his regiment. The Collonell was then at Derb)', whither some of his officers going to him, to know what they should doe, he clismisst them; yet comming to towne, he gave out strange envious whispers, and behav'd himselfe so disingenuously to the governor, 2 ll