168 that he had iust cause to have no more regard for him, and beingagaine importun'd by Sr. Thomas Fairfax, he receiv'd a commission to rayse a regiment of twelve hundred. He presently recruited his owne companies, and began to rayse more: Mr. George Hutchinson was his lieftenant collonell, and one Mr. Widmerpoole his maior; there was a companie rays'd by one Captaine "\Vright; there remain'd a broken piece of Coli. Pierrepont's company, and Captaine Poulton, who had bene their captaine lieftenant, being dismist by tho;: collonell, had a new commission under the governor for a ~ompany; when those souldiers of Coli. Pierrepont's not knowing what to doe, it was determin'd at a councell of warre of strangers, whereof Sr. William Fairfax was president, that they should list under Capt. Poulton. Sr. William and Sr. Thomas Fairfax, both of them, when the governor made scruple of passing by Coli Pierrepont, assured him that they had intelligence given them in the north of his intents. to deliver Nottingham to the king. About this time Chadwick, the deputy recorder of Nottingham. and one of the committee, came to Nottingham, from whence he went away, when the souldiers were all drawne out, and all that. were fearful! went to other places to secure themselves. This fellow. being sent of a message to the Lord Fairfax, general! of the north. had receiv'd letters of credence from the committee; but insteed of prosecuting their businesse, which was to have procur'd some force from my lord to helpe keepe the place, when my Lord Newcastlewas -dayly expected to come against it, he procured himself a commission for a regiment, and a ioynt commission for himselfe and CoiL Pierrepont to be governors of the towne and castle. The last he kept very private; the first he bragg'd of as a thing, which, my lord · considering his greate abillities, would needs enforce upon him. In execution of this, he rays'd seven men, which were his menial! servants, went into Staffordshire, possest a papist's fine house, and fired it to runne away by the light, when the enemie was thirty