Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

177 the bridges, he should have three thousand pounds, and what command he would aske in the army; and offer'd Captaine Poulton two thousand pounds to effect this. The captaine told him, for his owne part nothing should buy him to such a 'villainy, and he believ'd the same of the governor and his brother, and made no q ucsLion but they had before bene attempted. The collonell told him he did not this without authority, and thereupon pull'd a paper out of his pockeu, wherein were words to this effect: " These are to au- " thorize Coli. Dacre to trea te with Coli. Hutchinson and Lieftenant- " collonell Hutchinson for the delivery of Nottingham.castle and " the bridges, and to make them large promises, which shail be per- " formed by W. Newcastle." Having shew'd him this warrant, the collonell was very importunate with the captaine to acquaint the governor and his brother, and returne their answer to him upon the Friday after, when he offered to mecte him, if they would, at a place call'd St. Ann's Well. Captaine Poultou told the governor and his brother, and they the committee, and shew'd them very disdainefull refusalls they all had written to the collonell, and sent him by a drumme, who was not long gone out of the garrison but another came from Coli. Dacre with a letter to Capt. Poulton, excusing himselfe that he could not stay in his quarters for him, according to appoyntment, but assuring him that what he had promis'd should be really perform'd. The governor's drumme, in the absence of Coil. Dacre, deliver'd the three letters to Langdale, who writt them back a good civi ll letter, that he believ'd my lord Newcastle and Dacre, out of familiarity and acquaintance with them, might have made these offers in kindnesse to them, but for his part he should otherwise persue the king's service.' h This proposa1 for bet rayi ng the castle, together with the refusal, is ment ioned by \Vhite}ock, p. 79. :Mr. Noble, who is mentioned in the preface as having published the Jives of one hundred and thirty-~ix regicides, makes this r~mark, H that Colonel u Hutchiuson hereby lost a fine 9pportnnity of aggrandizing himself and his fami l1-