179 governor overlookt many things that he saw, and made use of all the advantages they gave him, and did no't manifest his resentments of aniething which they could cloake under a specious pretence, bow disadvantageably soever it were design'd against the parliament interest. The whole towne unanimously voted .that the place should be fortified, except Alderman Drury, and two or three that follow'd him: then the governor gave them encoura~;ing promises of his protection and care over them, and endeavours to preserve them with his regiment, if they would assist in their owne defence. The towne being well satisfied, or at least seeming so, (for he treated them with that dexterity that they could not for shame openly opose him, though he was not ignorant that the caval ier party cnrs'd him in their hearts, as the only obstacle in their greater desire of having declar'd themselves on the other side) with general! outward clleere. fullnesse, in Christmas weeke, the workes were begun. About this time Sr. Thomas Fairfax being to march into Staffordshire, sent for some arms he had left in Nottingham-castle, and by the same convoy that went with them the governor gott his five hundred rnusketts brought home from Leicester. Sr. Thomas sent orders to the governor to send him all the horse in the garrison, but when the governor acquainted them with it, they would none of them obey him and goe, though Sr. Thomas sent twice very earnestly for them, but stay'cl in Nottingham, where they would obey no order of the governor's, and by doing things that concern'd the garrison without and against his orders, they made a sad confusion and thwarting of powers, which the governor bore with in respect to Coli. Thornhagh, who did things not so much out of mall ice in himselfe, as out of a little emulation, which did not destroy his kindnesse to the governor, and by the subtile instigation of Capt. White, who wrought upon his facillity to doe those ·things which his mallice and factious ambition prompted him to wish, but he durst not himselfe attempt. Although the horse would not obey