Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

183 they were faine to be rubbed to get life in them, and in that condition, were more eager of fires and warme meate then of plunder; which sav'd many men's goods, and their security, that did not believe an encmie, who had unhandsomely, to speake truth, suffer'd them to enter the towne without any dispute, would have durst, at such g reate odds, to have sett upon driving them out. Indeed no one can believe, but those that saw tha t day, what a strange ebb and flow of courage and cowardize there was in both parties that day. The cavaliers marcht in with such terror to the garrison, and such gallantry, that they startled not when one of their leading files fell before them all at once, but marcht boldly over the dead bodies of their friends, under their enemies cannon, and carried such valliant dreadfullnesse about them, as made very courageous stout men recoyle. Our horse, who ran away fi·i ghted at the sight of theit· foes, when they had brest-workes before them, and the advantage of freshnesse, to bea te back assaylants, allready vanquisht with the sharpnesse of the cold and a killing march, within three or four howcrs, as men that thought nothing too greate for them , rcturn'd fiercely upon the same men, after their refreshment, when they were enter'd into def~nsible houses. If it were a romance, one should say after the successe, that the heroes did it out of excesse of gallantry, that they might the better signalize their vallour, upon a foe who was not vanquisht to their hands by the inclemency of the season: but wee a.rc relating wonders of Providence, and must record this as such a one as is not to be conceiv'd, bnt by those who saw and shar'd in it; it was indeed. a greate instruction, that the best and highest courages are but the beames of the Almigh ty; and when he withholds his influence·, the brave turne cowards, feare unnerves the most mighty, makes the most generous base, and greate men , to doe those things they blush to thioke on; when God againe inspires, the fcarefull and the feeble sec no dangers, believe no clif!iculties, and carry on attempts whose very thoughts would, a~ 2 D