Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

184 another time, shiver their ioynts like agues. The events of this day humbled the pride of many of our stout men, and made them after more carefully sceke God, as well to inspire as prosper their vallour ; and the governor's handsome reproaches of their faults, with shewing them the way to repaire, retriev'd their stragling spirits, and animated them to very wonderful! and commendable actions. The governor would not let his men persue the reare, but thought they might, in the night, have compleated their dayes worke, if they had fallen into the enemie's quarters, which he gave orders to the horse to doe, but Coli. Thornhagh would not obey them, because they came from him, and so lost a greate opertunity, and contented himselfe with praysing God f()l· the greate deliverance of the day, wherein there was not one townsman that came in to the assistance of the souldiers. The next day, the governor call'd the townc together, represented to them the mercie of God and the mallice of their enemies, who, without regard of any friends they had among them, came purposely to fire the towne, which God alone preserv'd, who having shew'd them their danger, reqtiir'd they should be no longer slothfull in their owne defence, but to take armes to preserve their famelies and houses. He propounded to them, that if they would soe doe, they should chusc their owne captaines. They, considering the iust reasons and motives with which he urg'd them, at length resolv'd to ioyne in their owne defence and chose four captaines; but the captaines refusing, the souldiers that day went home unlisted, yett by the governor's dexterity in managing them, he at last brought foure hundred, whereof more then half were high malignants, to list themselves under one Mr. Coate.s, a minister, an honest godly man,' and i It appears from this that Mr. Palmer, mentioned before, and who will be men~ tion'd more than once in the sequel, was not quite singular in taking up arms notwith· standing his function. The famous preacher Hugh Peters, acted as an office1· of