186 The same afternoone the committee sent the governor a warrant to be signed, which was before subscrib'd by foure of them, White in th@ front. The warrant was to this effect: To M1·. HooPER, Enginee1· of the Garrison of Nottingham. "You are hereby rcqnir'd to make your present appear- " ance to this committee, there to give an account, what you have " done, about the workes of the towne, and how fil rre you have "proceeded in them; how, and in what manner, and Lly what time "you intend to finish them; and what materialls are needful! for " the finishing of them, there being imminent danger to the gar- " rison." Assoone as · the governor receiv'd the·warrant, he tooke the engineer with him, and went to the committee, to whom, sayd he, " Gentlemen, I receiv'd iust now such a strange warrant from you, " that I can impute it to nothing, but a pick't occasion of quarrel!. " If you desire to question aniething in the forti(ying of the towne, " I have not only brought the engineer, but am here myselfe to " answer it: if there be mony in his hands, let him give you an " account of it; but concerning the fortifications, I conceive he is " only to be accountable to me; therefore why this warrant should " be made, I cannot tell, unlesse purposely to affi·ont me; as for " that imminent danger you pretend, it is utterly unknowne to me, "and if there be any, I ought to have been acquainted with it, and . "desire now to understand it." They answer'd, " ·were they ·not in " dayly pm·ill ?" He replied, " That was certeine, .but at this time "none more imminent than usually, that he knew of; and further " desir'd them, if he had bene negligent of those things, which con- " duc'd to the safety of the towne, that they would article against