187 "him, whatever they could accuse him of; if he had done nothing· " worthy of blame, he tooke it exceeding ill, to be thus thwarted " and affronted in his iust and lawful[ , command." Upon replies and debate, White sayd, " If Hooper did not render them an ac- " count of his workes, they would clap him by the heeles." \Vhereupon the governor, addressing to him only, told him, " That fi·om " the first opening of his commission, he had manifested his dis- " content, and that he had taken notice of his secret endeavours to " oppose, and was ·glad the humour was now so ripe as to vent it- " selfe; that for the time to come, since he ' saw his condiscentions " did but encourage them to wrest all things from him, and to qucs- " tion all his dues, he would now expect that full observance from " them all, that was due from the officers of a garrison to the go- " vernor; that he expected the horse should receive orders from " him, and that he would no more put up such affronts and neglects "as he had that very day receiv'd, when calling for a muster' of the, " horse to have ben~ sent out upon a very advantageable designe, a " whole t roope, unknowne to him, was, by the committee, sent out. ' ' for hay', whereby that opertunity was lost; he told them further, " protections charging officers and souldiers to forbeare pl uhder, " ought to be given only by him upon their certificate, and not by " them; and," sayd he, " Gentlemen, I receiv'd that affront from " you lately, which no governor in the world, but myself, would " have put up with; when at a publick councell of wan·e, among " all the officers, enough to have caus'd a mutinie, it was pro- " pounded how farre my command extended, and question'd whi- " ther I could command horse in the garrison? And nlr" of you, "at a councell of warre, order'd the booty taken shou ld be at the " disposal of the chiefe ofi1cer that went out; so that if a corporall " went out, he must dispose the booty, which in all garrisons is the " governor's right to doe." While they were in this dispute, the lieftenant collonell came in,