188 and seconded his brother ; and after some smart disputes on both sides, they par ted for that night. - · The next mornit1g the committee sent for the governor, who coming to them, one of them drew a paper out of his pockett, and offer'd some propositions to the governor; which were, firs t , that the dispute betwecne them might be silenc'd and kept private; next, that he would ioyne with them, in a letter to Mr. Milling ton, to desire him to get the question decided by the close committee, " That were the severall powers of a governor and a committee? And, lastly, that he wou ld draw up what he conceived his power to be. To t~1is the governor replied, that for silenci ng the thing, he was very willing to doe it; for sending to the close committee, he very well understood his ownc power, and if they question'd it, they might send, whither they pleas'd, to satisfie themselves; for setti ng downc the particulars, wherein he· conceiv'd his power to consist, when he did aniething, which they thought bclong'd not to him, le t them call him to question where they pleas'd, and he should be ready to give an account of his actions, but he would not make himselfc so ridiculous, as to send for satisfaction in unquestionable things; yet to inform them, if any of them pleas'd, he would goe allong with them, eithcT to my Lord of Essex, or my Lord Fairfax, to haYe the power of a governor decided. They told him the generalis understood not the power of a committee as the parliament, and therefore writt a letter to Jl.-lr. Millington with extraordinary <::ommendations of the governor, yet desiring to know the extent of his power, and shew'd it to l1 im. He told them, if they believ'd those things they wrilt of him, he wondered whence all this discontent should arise, for he appeal'd to them all, whether, ever since he undertooke the government, he had usurp'd any command over them, or done so much as the least inconsiderable ac t "without acquainting them, and receiving their approbation ; and what should ayle them, he could not imagine, unless they were discon-