Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

191 of whom our men pluckt foure out of the water, five were drown' cl, and the captaine swom to shore on the other side. The governor was in doubt whether these men taken in disguizes were to be reIeas'd as prisoners of warre, or executed as spies and assassines by martial! law; but though he had not car'd if the bridge-souldiers had turn'd them into the Trent when they tooke them, he afterwards releas'd them all upon exchange, except one Slater, a souldier of his ownc that had runne away to the enemie, and this day was taken coming into the towne, with a mountero" pull'd close about his face, but denied that he was of the designe; yet after, upon trial! at a court-martial!, he . was condemn'd and executed. .The governor had sent out some horse and foote, to drive the grounds at the enemie's garrison at Shelford, which they did, and from under the very workes from which the enemie shott at them, brought away many beasts and horses, that belong'd to the garrison, and brought them up into the castle-yard. The governor being then in the committee chamber, told them it was fitt the souldiers should have a reward, w~ereupon it was ' order'd to give them six pounds, and the governor told the souldiers the committee had assign'd them a reward; but when they came to receive it, Salisbury, the treasurer, tith'd it out, and gave the souldiers groates apiece, and sixpence apiece to the officers, which in all came but to forty shillings and odde money; which the souldiers, b~ing madded at, flung back his mony, and desir'd a councelJ of warre, to doe them r ight; which the governor assented to, and the next day the businesse being heard at a full councell of all the officers of the garrison, it was determin'd by the unanimous vote of all but Mr. Salisbury, that in regard the enemie shott at them, when they tooke the bootie, it di_d of right belong to the souldiers that fought for it, and so they had it; whereupon Salisbury flung away from the board jn ' A kind of cap so called. 2 E