Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

194 ated counties, and the commanders so emulous of one another, and so refractory to commands, and so peeking in all punctillios of superiority, that it gall'd the poor old gentleman to the heart, who; having commanded abroad, and bene us'd to deale with officers that understood the discipline of warre, was confounded · among those who knew not how to obey any orders, but disputed all his commands, and lost their time and honor in a fruitlesse exped ition, through their vaine contentions; whereas had they ioyn'd in the assault, then when lie would have made it, they might probably have carried the towne, but missing that opertunity, they came of. at last with loss and dishonor. ·while the governor was at the Leaguer, Sr. J olm Meldrum told him, that Coli. Pierrepont had bene with him, to get his hand to a paper, which should have testified, that the government of Nottingham did of right belong to him; but Sr. John answer'd he could not testifie any such thing, for it was his owne act to conferre that government, where now it was; with which Coli. IJierrepont seem'd very well satisfied at that time. When he could not prevaile in this, he desir'cl Sr. John to sett his hand to another paper, which should have cerlified, that in all things he had _approov'cl himselfe most finne and faithfull to the service of the parliament. Sr. John 'aid he would not iniurc him so much as to make any such certificate, of a thing not call'd into question; but if there shou ld be any doubt of it, he should be ready to doe hi~1 all right. Coli. Pierrepont moreover went to the governor's souldiers, that had former!y bene of his regiment, and giving them twenty shillings to drinke, told them he was to be governor of the towne, and would shortly come among them. Sr. Edward Hartup was sent with the party of horse he before had at Muscam bridge, to persue those that were gone out of Newark, and fight with ~hem and hinder their ioyning with Prince Rupert, who was expected to co)Tie to rayse tl1e siege; and when Sr. Edward came into Leicestershire the whole country rose with him,