Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

195 and the governor of Leicester brought out foote and cannon to assist him. His forlorne hope being of the Nottingham horse, charged the enemie's forlorne hope and routed them, and then fell into their body of foote, which they had drain'd out of their little garrisons and routed them alsoe, and if Sr. Edward Hartup would have come on with his body, they had all bene cut off; but the knight would not stirre, but commanded the forlorne hope to retreate, who had slaine and taken many prisoners of the enemie, and among them Jammot, that had lately made· his escape out of Nottingham-castle. The enemie perceiving Sr. Edward would not hurt them, rallied againe and ioyn'd with Prince Rupert; of whom assoone as Sr. Edward had intelligence, he went back to Newark with such shamefull hast that he quitted Melton with all the prisoners the forlorne hope had late!J taken. The Leicester forces, . discourag' d at this carriage, return'd to their garrisons and marcht no more with him.' · The governor of Nottingham kept out spies upon the enemie's. .motions, and sent word to the Leaguer, but the gentleinen there were so over-confident, they would not believe any force could c~me to rayse their siege. At length, the governor of Nottingham being there himselfe, word was brought Prince Rupert was come to Ashby, wherefqre he, fearing some attempt upon his garrison, to divert the forces at the siege, return'd home with his brother to looke to their charge. It was late upon Wednesday night when the governor came. . home, and was certeinely inform'd that Prince Rupert was, that afternoone, marcht by to rayse the siege, with about six thousand . '' In Whitelock's memoirs, p. 85, there is an account of this relief, or raising the . siege of Newark, agreeing with :Mrs. Hutchinson's, except that it is not quite so particular, and omits the account of what befel Col. Thornhagh. VVhitelock attributes to the misconduct of Sir E. Hartup and Col. Bingley Prince Rupert's coming with his . forces entire to the place, and informs us that a court martial was directed to decide upon their conduct, but does not state what their decision was .