211 from mallignants in the enemies quarters, the governor came safe home, to the greate discontent of Captaine While, who was something out of countenance at it. This may serve, instead of many more, to shew how hard a task he had to eanie on the service, with such refractory mal!itious persons under him. About this time it hapned, that the engineer being by, Captainc Pendock tooke occasion to raile at the towne-workes, and Hooper making answers, which drew on replies, Pendock strooke him, whereupon the man angrie lay'd his hand upon his sword and halfe drew it out, but thrust it in again; the maid ran affrighted into the kitchen, where was one Henry ·wandall, who presenlly call'd some musketeers, disarm'd l\1r. Hooper, and sent him prisoner to the governor; who asking him upon what account he came so, he told him he bad no reason to accuse himselfe; if those that sent hi m had aniething against him, he was rcadie to answer it. After the governor had expected 'till about midnight and nothing came, he sent for vVandall, and enquiring why and by whose authority he committed · Mr. Hooper prisoner? I-Ie answered, "for drawing his " sword, he, as an officer of the garrison, had sent him up." The governor asked who made him an officer? and laking it npon him, why he did not send up both parties, but only one in a quarrell? and he being able to give no answer, but such as shew'd it was done Ol1t of mallice, the governor committed him for his insolcncy, who being but a common souldier, presum'd to make an officer prisoner, witlwut rendering an account to the governor, and lctt the other engag'd in the quarrel] go free. The next day after this, Plurntre came to the Trent bridges, where being stopt, he sent up a ·passe which he had procur'd him fmm my lord gcnerall, to come and stay in the towne during his ownc pleasure; which when the govemor saw, he sent him word, that in regard of my lord generall's passe he might stay at his owne house, but bade him take heed,. as he would answer it, that he meddled not to make any rnutinie or commotion.