214 Thornhagh's sicknessc, the governor undertooke the command of his horse regiment, while it quarter'd in the garrison, and made the men live orderly, and march out upon designes more frequently then they us'd to doe when their collonell was well, upon whose easinesse they prevail'd to do what they list, and some of them, who were greate plunderers, were conniv'd at, which the governor would by no means suffer: wherefore these men were, by the insinuations of their officers and the wicked part of the committee, drawne into the faction, which was working in secrett a while, and at last broke into open prosecutions. They had de termin'd that assoone as the governor was gone, White, the devil's exquisite sollicitor, should alsoe follow to London, but knew not how to doe for a pretence to send him upon the publick purse; when wickeclnesse, which never wants long the opportunity it waits for, found one soone out, for the committee of both kingdomes had sent a command for all the horse in Nottingham, to rcpairc to Sr. John Meldrum in Lancashire; the townc was putt upon a hasty petition that their horse might not goe, and Capt. ·white must carrie it, who pretends to have knowne nothing of it halte an hower before, yet he was ready; and Dr. Plumtre too prcpar'd to make good his brags, and goe with his convoy. Presently after he was gone, the engine of mischicfe comes to towne, Col!. Chadwick , whom lVIr. Salisbury recci1·es with greate ioy and exultance, boasting, to use his owne words, that they should now mump the governor. At the maior of the town's house, he was cntertein'd with much wine, whereof lVIr. Ayscough, a commillee man, having taken a pretty large proportion, coming that night to supper to the castle, told the lieftenant-collonell and the o-overnor's wife, that he would advise them to acquaint the governor, ~ltere was mischicfe hatching against him, · and that Chadwick was come to towne, on purpose to effect it, which though the fellow discover' cl in his drinke, was true enough, and he himselfe was one of the conspiring wicked ones.