false flattering apologies to the governor, that if such command were due to any man, they should rather the governor should employ it, then any person whatsoever, by reason of his unquestion'd meritts; but they conceiv'd that such a power given to a governor, would not consist with that which belong'd to a committee, whereupon they produc'd a tedious, impertinent paper, in answer to the , governor's propositions; which, when the governor read over, he flung by, saying it was a ridiculous senseless piece of stufle: some of them taking exceptions, he should so contemne the committee's paper; he replied, he knew not yet whose it was, not being sign'd by any one, if any of them would owne it he desir'd them to subscribe it, and then he should know what to say. Thereupon, the next day, it was againe brought out, sign'd by Mr. Millington, Chadwick, Salisbury, ·White, and the maior of the towne. The summe of the paper not containing any exceptions against the governor himselfe, but against his power, and wholly denying that my Lord Fairfax had power to make a governor, or conferre any such power on him, as his commission imported; the govet'nor told them, it no farther concern'd him, but only to acquaint my Lord Fairfax, with whom he should leave it, to iustifie hi s owne commission, and his authority to g ive one: but forasmuch as my lord was concern'd in it, the gentlemen who had more respect for him disown'd it, and these were the governor, the lieftenant-collonell, Mr. Pigott, Coil. Thornhagh, Maior Ire ton, Maior Widmerpoole, Capt. Lomax, and Alderman James . Then thegovernor told them, bow he had bene inform'd that this paper was of Chadwick's contrivance, and that when Mr. Millington saw it, he hugg'd Chadwick in his armes, with such congratu lation, as is not to be imagin'd they could give, to a fellow, of whom they had iustly entertain'd so vi le an opinion, and then before his face declar'd all their thoughts of indignation and contempt, which they had formerly exprest of Coli. Chadwick, whom he ask'd, with what face he could question my lord's autho-