rity, to make him goYernor, when he bad formerly us'd such surreptitious chcates to obtaine it for himselfe, by the same authority? and he askt the committee, . how it came to passe, they now believ'd my Lord Fairfax had not authority to make him governor, when , they themselves at first writt to him for the commission? and to J\1r. Millington he said, he had dealt very unfaithfully to those that entrusted him to compose differences, which he had rather made then found; and \UY treacherously with him, making himselfe a party and the chiefe of his ac!Yersaries, when he pretended only to be a. reconciler. Having at full !aye! them open one to another, and declar'd all their treachery, mallice, pride, and knavery, to their faces, he went away, smiling at the confusion he had left them in ; who had not vertue enough in their shame, to bring them back to repentance, but having begun to persecute him, with their spite and mallice, were resolv'd to carrie on their wicked designe, wherein they had now a double encouragement to animate them, Mr. Millington's sheltring them in the parliament house, and obstructing all redresse the governor should there seeke for, and the hopes of profitt and advantage they might upon the change of things expect by the garrison, if they could wrest it out of the governor's hands, either by wearying him with uniust vexations, or by watching some advantage against him, to procure the discharge of his office by the parliament; for they, knowing him to be impatient of affronts, and of a high spiritt, thought to provoke him to passion, wherein something might fall out to give them advantages; but he, percci,·ing their drift, shew'd them that he govern'd his anger, and suffcr'd it not to master him, and that he could make use of it to curb their insolency, and yet avoid all excursions that might preiudice himselfe: When the governor undertook this employment, the par!iaz To some the recital of these municipal broils may appear rather tedious, hut VVhitelock's Memorials shew that these, and such like, in various parts of the kingdom requ ired the serious and frequent attention of the parliament. lVIost reader~ will