late successe in the north. After Yorke was taken, the Earle of Manchester marcht into our parts, upon wbose coming Bolsover and Tickhill castles were deliver'd up to him, and vVelbeck, the Earle of Newcastle's house, which was given into Coli. Thornhagh's command, and much of the enemie's wealth, by that means, brought into Nottingham: vVinkfield manour, a strong garrison in Derbyshire, was taken upon composition, and by this meanes, a rich and large side of the country, was layd open to helpe maintaine the garrison at Nottingham, and more hoped for by these gentlemen, who were now as greedy to catch at the rewards of another's labours, as unable to meritt aniething themselves: but when the hopes of the harvest of the whole count1·y, had tempted them to begin their wicked plotts, God seeming angrie at their ill use of mercy, caus'd. the Em·le of Manchester to be cal\'d back into the south, when he was going to have besieg'd Newark, and so that towne, with the pettie garrisons at Wiverton, Shelford, and Belvoyr, were still left for further exercise to Nottingham. Yet the hopes these would in. time be gained, made these gentlemen prosecute their designe against the governor, wl;lose partie they endeavour'd with all subtileties to weaken; and first attempted Coli. 'I'hornhagh, who having by his signali~'d vallour arriv'd to a greate reputation, they thought if they could gaine him, he would be their best leaver, to heave out the go,;ernor, and that prop once remoov'd, they despair'd not to make him contribute to his owne ruine; for they had discover'd in l1im a facillity of nature, apt to be deluded by faire pretences, and more prone to suspect the kind plaine-dealing of his friends, then the flattery of his enemies: but the governor, after they had display'd themselves, by his vigilancy, prevented many of their mallitious designes, and among the rest that they had upon this gentleman. During his sicknesse the governor tooke care of his regiment, and employ'd the troopes that quarter'd in the garrison: but through the wicked instigations of Captaine White, being very refractory,