Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

and the regiment often call'd out on field service, the governor sent for a commission, and rays'd a troope of horse, which the lieftenantcollonell commanded, and a troope of dragoones for the peculiar service of the garrison These cunning sowers of sedition wrought, upon this occasion, Coli. Thornhagh i11to a iealous beliefe, that Coil. Hutchinson was taking the advantage of his sicknesse, to workc himselfe into his command. Coli. Thornhagh was griev'd at it, but sayd nothing; but the governor discovering the thing, notwithstanding his silence, when the lieftenant-colonel went to London, procur'd a commission for CoiL Thornhagh to bP, next under Sr. Thomas Fairfax, commander in chiefe of all the parliament's horse in Nottinghamshire, a t all times, which being brought to Coli. Thornhagh, when he knew nothing of it, clear'd him of that susp ition. And now, although they were more inclin'd to delude then openly to oppose Coll. Thornhagh, yet they hmcing no excep tions agains t the governor in his owne person, but against his authority, they were forc'd to deny Coli. Thornhagh's command as well as the governor's, they being both de~·iv'd from the same po1ver. The horse captaines, who were allur'cl by faire colours of preferment, and indulg'd in their plunder, which they hop'd to doe with more freedom, if Capt. White prevail'd, were more obedient to Capt. White and their owne ambition, then to their collonell or the ]awes and customes of warre. The committee hoped, by thus disputing the collonell's powers, under a face of parliament authority, to weary them out, and make them cast up their commissions, when they had, by Mr. Millington, blockt up the way of their complaint, so that they fear'd not being turn'd out of the committee, .tor the abuse of that trust: and perhaps they had succeeded, but that the governor scorn'd to give up a good cause, either particular or publick, for want of courage to defend it among many difficulties; and then, although he had many enemies, he had more fi'iends, whom if he should desert, they would be left to be crmht by these mallitious persons; and,