Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

XIV pressions will be found that are uncommon, or used in an uncoillmon sense, but they are such as are justified by classical propriety, and, had her book been published, would probably have been adopted and brought into 'general use. The orthography was in Mrs. Hutchinson's time in a most unsettled state, and she herself varies it so frequently, that it many times differs within the same page, and even the same sentence, we have cont~nted ourselves with following her in it literally. We conclude with expressing a confident hope that the public will find this memoir to be such as we first announced it, a faithful image of the mode of thinking in those days of which it treats, an interesting and new specimen of private and public character, of general and individual biography, and that recommended as it comes by clearness of discernment, strength and candour of judgment, simplicity, and perspicuity of narrative, pure, amiable, and 'christian morality, sentiments at once tender and elevated, conveyed in language elegant, expressive, and classical, occasionally embellished with apposite, impressive, and well supported figures, it will be found to afford pleasure and instruction to every class of readers. The ladies will feel that it carries with it all the interest of a novel , strengthened with the authenticity of real history; they will no doubt feel an additional satisfaction in learning, that though the author added to the erudition of th~ scholar, the research of the philosopher, the politician, and even the divine; the zeal and magnanimity of a patriot; yet she descended from all these elevations to perform, in the most exemplary manner, the functions of a wife, a mother, and mistress of a family.