Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

8 from those I would celebrate, by my imperfect commemorations, I shall con tent myselfe to summe up some few things for my owne use, and let the rest alone, which I either knew not, or have forgo tten, or cannot worthyly expresse. My grandfather by t he father's side was a gentleman of a competent estate, about 7 or 8001. a ycare, in Sussex. He being descended of a younger house, had his residence att a place called Pulborough; the famcly out of which he came was an Apsley of Apsley, a townc ";here they had bene seated before the conquest, and ever since con tinued, till of late the las t !wire male of that eldest house, being the sonne of Sr. Edward Apsley, is dead without issue, and his estate gone with his sister's daughters into other iamelies. Particularities concerning my father's kinch·cd or country, I never knew much of, by reason of my youth, at the time of his -death, and my educat ion in farre distant places, only in generall I have heard, that my grandf>1ther was a man well reputed and be~ loved in his country, and that it had bene such a continued custome for my ancestors to take wives att home, tha t there was scarce a famely of any note in Sussex, to which they were not by inter marriages neerely related; but I was myselfe a stranger to them all, except my Lord Goring, who living att court, I have sene with my father, and heard of him, because he was appoy nted one of my father's executors, though he declin'd the trou ble. l\·fy grandfather had seven sonns, of which my father was the youngest: to the eldest he gave his whole estate, and to the rest, according to the custome of those times, slight annuities. The eldes t brother married to a gentlewoman of a good famely, and by her had only one sonne, whose mother dying, my uncle married himselfe aga ine to one of his own maides, and by her had three more sons, whom, with their mother, my cousin William Apsley, the sonne of the first wife, held in such contempt, that a greale while after, dying without , children, he gave his estate of inheritance to my father, and two of