10 Sr. George Carew, made now by the King Earl of 'l'otnesse, a niece of this earls, the daughter of Sr. Peter Carew, who liv'd a young widow in her uncle's house, fell in love with him, which her uncle perceiving, procur'd a marriage betweene them. ·She had divers children by my father, but only two of them, a sonne and daughter, surv iv'd her, who died whilst my father was absent from her in Ireland. He led all the time of his widdowhood a very disconsolate li fe, care ful! for nothing in the world but to ed ucate and advance the sonne and daughter, the deare pledges she had left him, for whose sake he quitted himselfe of his employments abroad, and procur'd himselfc the office of Victualler of the Navie, a place then both of cred it and greate revenue. His friends, considering his solitude, had procur'd him a match of a very rich widdow, who was a lady of as much discretion as wealth; but while he was upon this . designe he chanc'd to see my 1nother, a tt the house of Sr. William St. John, who had married her eldest sister, and though he went on his iourney , yelt something in her person and behaviour, he carried allong with 1'1im, which would not lett .him accomplish it, but brought him back to my mother. She was or' a nobl e famely, being the youngest daughter of Sr. John St. John, of Lidiar 'l'regoz, in the county of W'iltz; her father and mother died when she was not above five yea res of age, and yet at her nurses, from whence she was carried to be brought up in the house of the Lord Grandison, her father's younger brother, an honorable and excellent person, but married to a lady so iealous of him, and so illnatured in her iealous fitts, to any thing that was related to him, that her cruelti es to my mother exceeded the stories of stepmothers: the rest of my aunts, my mother's sisters, were disperst to sel'erall places, where they grew up till my uncle Sr. John St. John being married to the daughter of Sr. Thomas Laten, they were all againe brought home to their brother's house. There were not in those days so many beautiful! women found in any famelj as these, but my mother was by the mcst indgemcuts prcferr'd before all her elder sisters, who, some-