Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

396 tient suffering of the martyrs, among which his owne was to be eminent, and on the other side of the river to land him into walkes of everlasting pleasure, he dying on that shore, and his father's giving him these lawrell leaves with unintelligible characters, fortold him those triumphs whieh he could not read in his mortall estate; but to let dreames passe- ! cannot here omitt on~ story, though not altogether so much of the collonell's conceme, yet hap'ning this summer, not unworthy mention. J\1r. Palmer, a certeine nonconfo.rmist preacher, was taken at his owne house in Nottingham by the maior of the towne, for preaching upon the Lord's day, and some others with him, (whereof one was formerly a servant of the collonell's, and had mar. ried one of his maydes), and put into the towne's iayle, where they continued about two or three months. There being a grated window in the prison, that was almost even with the gronnd, and look'd into the streete, all people coming by, might see these poore peo· pie, kept in a damp ill-favour'd roome, where they patiently exhorted and chear'd one another. One Lord's day, after sermontime, the prisoners were singing a psalme, and the people as they past up and downe, still when they came to the prison, stood still, till there were a greate many gather'd about ihe windore at which - Mr. Palmer was preaching; whereupon the maior, one Toplady, who had formerly bene a parliament officer, but was now a renegado, came violently with his officers, and beatc the people, and thrust some into prison that were but passing the streetes, kickt and pincht the men's wives in his rage, and was the more exasperated, when some of them told him, how ill his fury became him, who had once bene one of them. The next day, or few days after, having given order the prisoners should every Lord's clay after be Jockt in the colehouse, he went to London and made information, I heard oath, to the councell, that a thonsand of the country came in armed to the towne, and marcht to the prison window, to hear the prisoner