398 a shorL time after, upon the Lord's day, the 11th of October, 1663; the collonell having that day finisht the expounding of the Epistle to the Romans to his household, and the servants being gone of out of the parlour from him, one of them came in and told him souldiers were come to the towne. He was not at all surpris'd, but stay'd in the roomc till thry came in, who were conducted by Atkinson, one of those Newark men, who Iiad so violently before prosecuted him at the parliament, and he told the collonell he must goe allong with them, after they had searcht the house; for which the collonell requir'd their commission, which at the first they say'd they need not shcw, but after they shew'd him an order from lVlr. l~rancis Leke, one of the deputy lieftenants, forthwith to repayrc to his house, to search for and bring away what armes they could find, anrl to seize his person. All which they did, and fourid no armes. in the house, but four hireling gunns, that hung open in the kitchen, which being the young gentleman's, at that time they left. It was after sunsett when they came, and they were at least two howers searching every corner and all about the house, and the collonell was not at that time very well in health, and not having bene for six months before on horseback, had neither horses nor saddles at that time in the house; the coachman was alsoe gone away, and the coach-horses turned out, and it was as bitter, a stonnie, pitchie, darke, blacke, raynie night, as anie that came that yeare; all which consider'd, the collonell desir'd that they would but stay for the morning light, that he might accommodate himselfe: lmt they would not, but forc'd him to goe then allong with them, his eldest sonne lending him a horse, and alsoe voluntarily accompanying him to Newark, where, about foure of the clock in the morning, he was brought into the · Talbott, and put into a most vile roome, · and two soulqiers kept guard upon him in that roome. And now what they ayl'd wee knew not, but they '"ere all seiz'd. with a panick feare, aud the whole country fiercely allarum'd, and