Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

399 kept at Newark niany dayes at in tollerable charges, and I thinke they never yett knew wha t they were sent for in to doe, but to guard Coil. Hutchinson ; who being at first put into a room,e tha t look'd into the streete, was remoov 'd after in to a back roome, worse, if worse could be, and so bad that they would not lett the D uke of Buckingham's footemen lodge in it: and here he continued, no man comming at him nor letting him know why he was brought in. J.'he next day :Mrs. Hutchinson sen t him some iinnen, and assoone as the man came, Tomson, the host of the inne, would not suffer him to see his master, but seiz'd him and kept him prisoner two days. Mr. Thomas Hutchinson had a mare which the inne-keeper had a desire to buy, and his father perswaded him to lett him have her worth mony, who thereupon agreed on the price, only Tomson desir'd him to lett him trie the mare six miles, which he condescended to, upon condition that if Tomson ridd the mare above six miles, he should pay the mony for her, and furnish Mr. Hutchinson with a horse home, or to my Lord of Newcas_tle's, or any other occasion he had while he was at Newark. Upon this bargaine Tomson had the mare, but instead of going but six miles, led a greater partie of horse then those who first seiz'd the collonell to Owthorpe, and coming in after sunsett, to the affright of Mrs. Hutchinson and her children, againe searcht their house more narrowly if possible then at first, with much more insolent behaviour, allthough they found no more than at first ; but they tooke away the birding gunns they had left before, and from Owthorpe went to Nottingham, where they tooke one Captaine ·wright and Lieftenan t F ranck, who had bene Lambert's agitant-generall , and brought the poore men to Newark, where 'they are yett prisoners, and to this day know not why: Severall others 2. This shews that the confinement of these persons lasted still longer than Coli. Hutchinson's, and li kewise that this history was written wh il e the events were still recent and fresh in the memory. s ll