Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

400 were taken prisoners, among the rest one vVhittinton, a Jieftenant, who being carried to prison, "Coli . Hutchinson," say'd he, "hath " betrey'd us all :" such were the base iealousies of our owne party over him, who because he was not hang'd at first, imagin'd and spoke among themselves all the scandal ls that could be devis'd ' of him, as one that had deserted the cause, and lay private here in the country to trapan all the party, and to gather and transmitt all intelligence to the court, and a thousand such things, g iving each other warning to take heed of comming nee re him. Those who began to render him thus odious among his owne pa rty, were the Lambertonians, in mallice because he had openly oppos'd their rebellious insolencies against the parliament. Frank and Whittington, &c. were of these, but the collonell would not put himselfe in hazard to rectifie their uniust thoughts, and had no reso rt of his owne friends, the soberer and hones ter men of the party; only, asmuch as the streights that were upon him would allow, when any of them were in distresse, would send them reliefe. Hereupon some, convinc'd of the iniuries they did him, about this time sought to doe him right, in some meeting where one of the Buckingham's trapans was, and say'd he was unchang'd in his principles, which was all that e\·er I could hearc was inform'd against him, but aniething would serve for those who sought a pretence.' While the collonell was at Newark, Golding, the papist, was -a \' ery husic fell ow in spying and watching his house at Owthorpe, and sending in frivolous stories, which a;mounted to nothing, but ::The whole hi story of the reign of Charles ·the Second is fill ed with plots real or imaginary, bnt mostly the latte r: of all the engines of state the most nefarious is that at this time much empl oyed, of sham or pretended fomenters of sedition or t1'epans whv drew unwary persons e ither into some confederacy or e xpressions of discontent, and then gave in fOrrn<nion, pmbably hPightened by invent ion. :Many have thollght the infOrmation given against J~ord Hu -,se ll and Algernon Sidney, whereon they were t!· ied and condemned) was no better.