Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

401 declaring his pittiftil malice, as they that received it after told the collonell. '\Vhen Tomson came buck, Mr. Hutchinson, out of the window, spied his owne gun ne, which some of the men brought in, and soone unde1stood that thi£ rogue had uwde use of his owne horse to plunder him. At night Tomson, the host, came up into the collonell's chamber, and behav'd himselfe most insolently, wbereupon the collone! snatcht up a candiestick and lay'd him over the chaps with it, whereupon Mr. Leke, being in the house, and hearing the bustle, with others, came in with drawne swords, and the collonell tooke that opportunity to tell him, that he stood upon his iustification, and desired to know his crin1e and his accusers, and that till thE'u he was content to be kept as safe as they would have him, but desir'd to be deliver'd out of the hands of that insolent fellow, and to have accommodation fitt for a gentleman; which when they saw he would not be without, for he would cat.e no more meate in that house, they after two days rcmov'd him to the next inne, where he was civilly treated, with guards still remaiHing upon him. It was not passion which made the collonell doe this, for he was not at all angrie, but despis'd all the mall ice of his enemies, but he having bene now foure dayes in Newark, Mr. Leke came every day to the house where he was kept by Leke's warrant, and never vouchsaJ'd so much as to looke on him, but put him into!.be hands of ,; drunken insolent host, who dayly affronted him;·· ,;;);ich, if he would have suffer'd, he saw would be continued upon him, therefore knowing that Leke was then in the house, he tooke that occasion to make him come to him, and thereupon obtain'd a remoove to an accommodation more befitting a gentleman . ·while he was at the other inne, severall gentlemen of the king's party came to him, some whom he had knowne, and some whom he had never seene, complementing him, as if he had not bene a prisoner, which he very much aclmir'd att, and could yett never un,Jc.r-