404 " plott." Mr. Leke hm·ing communicated these orders to Mr. Hutchinson, told him he was to goe to London, and should leave him in the charge of the maior of Newark. Because here is so much noyse of a plott, it is necessary to tell what it bath since appear'd. The Buckingham sett a worke one Gore, sheriffe of Yorkshire, and others, who sent out trapanners among the discon tented people, to stirre them to insurrction to restore the old pa rliamen t, gospel! ministry, and English liberty, which specious things found ,·ery many ready to en tertaine them, and abundance of simple people were caught in the nett; whereof some lost their lives, and others fled.' But the collonell had no hand in it, holding himselfe oblig'd at that time to be quiet: It is t rue he still suspected insurrec tions of the papists, and had secur'd his house and his yards, better then it was the winter before, against any suddain night assaults. After Mr. L eke was gone, the maior, one Herring, of Newark, a rich, but simple fellow, sent the iayler to M r. I-Iutchinson, to tell him he must goe to his house; which the collonell refusing to doe voluntarily, without a mittimus from some magistrate, the maior sent five constables and two souldiers, who by violence, both forc'd the collonell out of his quarters, and into the iayle without any legal! committment, although the collonell warn'd both the iaylor and the men of the danger of the law, by this illegal! imprisonment . The collonell would not advance att all into the prison, into which the men would faine have entreated him; but when they saw they could not perswacle, they violently thrust him in, where the iaylor afterwards used him pretty civilly: but the roome being unfitt for him, he gott cold and fell very sick, when, upon the 27th of Octoc Rapin speaks sl ightly and cursorily of th is, under the name of the Northern Plot ; Out plainly shews that some of the p1incipal per::;onJ:> pretended to have been concerned in it, neither were nor could be.