Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

410 into the same danger; some say through feare, others that he was a trepanner from the begining, for he drew in all the people whom he· accus'd. Whatever he were, he was so utter a stranger to CoiL Hutchinson, that he never saw his face; ye tt that day he was examin'd at Whitehall, Coll. I-Iutchinsoo was in greate haste fetcht away from his dinner at the 'I'ower, and told he should be examin'd in the king's owne hearing; which he was very glad of, and, with greate hast and formallity and strictnesse he was carried by the d{'- puty lieftenant and a strong guard by water from the Tower to 'Whitehall ; and when he came to land at Whitehall stairs, one Andrews,. an officer, with two files of musketeers, was ready to receave him, and led him to Bennett's lodgings, where he observ'd a. greate deale of care to place the guard at the outward do.ore in the court, and to keepe the chamber doore continually shutt, that none might pecpe in, but a few gentlemen who were admitted to come now and then and stare him in the face at the doore, but none were in the roome for a long space but Andrews and himselfe, till at the last l1is keeper thrust in. The collonell, havi ng stay'd two bowers, concluded that he should now be confronted by some accuser, or at least have an examination more tending to treasonable practices then his first seemed to doe, especially understanding that Mr. vVaters had bene many bowers before in the house, and was yett there. But at last, part·1t1·iunt mantes! and out comes Secreta ry Bennett! who taking him to a window apart from Mr. And.rews and the keeper, most formally begins thus: "Mr. Hutchinson, you have nmv " bene some dayes in prison, have you recollec ted yourselfe any " more to say then when I last spoke" Mr. 1-Iu.tchinson answer'd, " He had nothit;g to recollect, nor more to say." "Are you " sure of that?" sayd the secretary. "Very sure," sayd l\1r. Hutchinson. "'I'hen," sayd Bennelt, "you must re turn to prison." And accordingly he was carried by the same gnard back againe to the Tower, where he was kept with a greate cleale of strictnesse, ancl