Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

411 some WCE<kes before his wife was admitted t? see him ; for whom, at the last, Sr. Alien Apsley procur'd an ordet· that she might visitt h,im, but they limitted it that it must not be but in the presence of his keeper. The lieftenant, in hope of a fee, gave leave that her sonne and daughter might goe into the roome with her, who elce must have stooJ without doores ; but he woui_J not permit her to take lodgings in the Tower, which, being in a sharpe winter season, put her to greate toyle and inconvenience, besides excessive charge of providing his meate utt the Tower, and her company in another place: meanwhile he was kept close prisoner, and had no ayre allow'd him, but a payre of leads over his chamber, which were so high and cold he had no benefitt by them; and every night he had three dom·es shutt upon him, and a centinell at the outmost. His chamber was a roome where 'tis sayd the two young princes, King E dward the l?ifth and his brother, were murthered in former clayes,. and the roome that led to it was a darke greate roome, that had no windore in it, where the portcullis to one of the inward Tower. gates was drawn up a nd let t downe, under which there sate every night a court of guard. There is a tradition, that in this roome the Duke of Clarence was drown'd in a bLlt of malmsey; from which murther, this roome and that ioyning it where Mr. Hutchinson lay , was call ed the Bloody Tower. Betweene lVIr. Hutchinson's chamber and the dark roome there was a dom·e, which Mr. Hutchinson desir'd the lieftenant might be left open in the night, because it left a little necessary housr. open to the chamber, which he and his man had occasion of in the night, having gotten flnxes with their bad ac<.:ommodations and diet: but the licftenant would not allow it him, a llthough, when that was open, there were two,doores more shutt upon him, and he could not have any way attempted any escape, but be must, if it had bene possible to worke through the walls, have titl lcn upon a <.:ourt of gua rd . Notwiths tand ing all this strictnesse, wh ich was exercised alsoe to·