Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

41C:l most of the other prisoners, yet their owne centinells hated the lieftenant, and his Cerberus, Cresset, because they cheated them, and ·had nothing of generosity or bounty to engage the hearts of their souldiers, who, seeing so much of their wickcdnesse, abhorr'd them, and pittied the poore gentlemen that were so barbarously used by them; and whether out of humanity, or necessity, or villany, I know not, but they would offer the prisoners many curtesies, and convey letters betweene them. Mr. Hutchinson was never so imprudent to trust any of them with his, having within an bower of his imprisonment bene instructed by another prisoner a safer and more convenient way; yet was it their interest to use courteously all those that offer'd themselves to doe them service. Among the rest, as he was one day silting by the fire, the centinell at the doore peept in his head and call'd to him: "Sir," sayd he, "God blesseyou! I have " sometimes guarded you in another manner at .the parliament " house, and am griev'd to see the change of your condition, and " only take this employment now, to be more able to serve you, "still hoping to see you restor'd to what I have seene you." The collonell not tuming his head, told the man that language suited not the coate he wore, bade him mind his present duty, and told him he had no employment of his service. " vVell," sayd the souldier, "I perceive, Sir, you dare not trust me, but my Lady Vane " and my Lady Lambert know me, and if you have any service to " command me to them, I will bring you a testimony from them." The collonell tooke no more notice of him, but the fellow, officious, or hoping to . gett mony, went to my Lady Lambert's house, an~ told her that he had formerly bene her husband's sou]dier, and that he wisht his restitution, and that he us'd sometimes to guard the prisoners, and would carry her letters to any of them, and that he had bene centinell lately att Collonell Hutchinson's chamber, and would can:y any thing she would send to him. She only bade him remember ·her service to him, and tell him she wisht him liberty;