Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

413 · and the fellow flattering her with professing his love to her lord, she expresst some pleasure with his speeches, and gave him some mony.; which her daughter considering, assoone as he was gone out told her that she had done unwarily to Jpen herselfe so much to one of the souldiecs in present employment, whom she did not know but he might be sett on purpose to trapan her. My lady, to pre\' ent any inconvenience of her error, thought it the best way to goe immediately and complaine that one of the souldiers had come to her to trapan her, under coulour of a message from CoiL Hutchinson, which she had not entertain'd; and desir'd they might not be allow'd in anie such thing, protesting her owne loyalty and readinesse to discover any that were false to them. This was extreamely ,yeJl represented of her at the court, and as ill of CoiL H utchinson, that he had not d~me the like; and Coil. Leg, whose comp1mie it was that then had the guard of the Tower, was. commanded to. find out and punish this souldier, who, it proov'd after, was a good honest . fe llow, and was the only protestant in that companie, the rest being most of them Irish and papists, and some rebells. This poore fellow, having bene a parliament souldier, listed among them to ge t a living, but was very tender-hearted to the prisoners, and had a desire to do them kindnesse. Hereupon he came to the collonell's man and desired his master would not owne him, and that he would send to my Lady Lambert to doe the same, which the collonell did: but when she was sent to. by him, she sent a maid to see·all the souldiers, who own'd the man, and he was put in prison, and cashier'd· and undone, for nothing but offering his service to have done the· prisoners slight services; and CoiL Hutchinson was ill thought of att the court, because when CoiL Leg brought his men under the windore of his prison, and came up to Mr. I-Iutchinson an.d dcsir'd him to view them al l, he woul(l. not accnse any of them, which ·if he had, he would not onlj have cutt of his owne, but all the other prisoners' wayes of send ing to th.cir fr iends abroad ; yet he never