418 brought to him, and not made such pollitick enqumes, and imprisoil 'd those with whom they were found, about so unconcerning a matter. · Mr. Henry Nevill and Mr. Salloway had bene put into the Tower about the same suspition they had of Mr. Hutchinson, a northerne plott, for which there was a. peculiar assizes, and some men were executed; and the iudges, at their returne, sayd that their confessions allmost amounted to treason; but that allmos.t serv'd their turnes. Assoone as those assizes were past Mr. Hutchinson sent to Mr. Ncvill and Mr. Salloway that he thought it now time for them to endeavour their liberty, and therefore desir'd to knm'( what course they intended to proceed in, that they might all take 011e way. They both sent Mr. Hutchinson word that they look'd upon him as the best befriended, and they were resolv'd to see first what successe he had, and to make him their leading card. Hereupon he, fearfull to. doe aniething that they could not, sate still deliberating, while they, without giving him the least notice, wrought their owne liberties secretly, Mr. Nevill desiring to travell, and Mr. Salloway making such a false, flattering petition, that no honest man could make such another, and a !esse after his would have but more exasperated. It looke so, that immediately he had his liberty, both of them taking some oathes to confirme their loyalty, whi ch were given them by the clearke of the Tower.' They had a mind at court Mr. Hutchinson should have made such another petition, and therefore Salloway's was shcw'd to a friend of his; the words of which were, " That since God by his miraculous " providence had set his majestie over us, 'he had acquiesc'd thanke- " fully under it, and never, not so much as. in thought, made a " wish against it;" and promises of the like nn.ture~ which perhaps f Mr. Nevi11, as just before mentioned,. h&.d acted with steadiness and integrity t. Mr. Salloway had been more valuable, and vras successively of the Council of state, of therump parliament, of the committee of safety,. and council of officers .