Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

4~0 ever, and made it his earnest request to Sr. Alien Apsley t<> let -him stand and fall to his owne innocency, and to undertake nothing for him, which; if he did, he told him he would disowne. Mrs. Hutchinson remembering how much she had displeased him in saving him before, submitted now to suffer with him, according to his owne will ,' who, as he would doe nothing that might entangle him for his freedome, so he patiently suffer'd their uniust bondage, and had no guilt found in him; yet was cruelly and mallitiously persecuted and hated, and criminalls, with threats and promises, were tried all wayes to see if they could have brought out any accusation against him, but all they could arrin'! to was only that he was an un- ·Chang' cl person, yet they kept him still as close prisoner as at the first. After Salloway was releas'd, Sr. Alien Apsley asking the <:hancellor why his brother was not as well let out as Salloway; " What," sayd the chancellor," " make you no clitrerence betweene " your brother and Salloway?" Sr. Alien replied, he thought his brother as innocent. " Surely," sayd the chancellor, "there is a " greate .diff&ence: Salloway conforms to the government, and goes " to church, but your brother is the most uf1chang'd person of the •• party." The collonell at last with some othel' prisoners were deliberating to sue out a Habeas Corpus, and in order thereunto sent to the lieftenant of the Tower to desire a copie of the warrant whereby he stood committed, 'which indeed was so unperfect, that he could not legally be kept upon that, for there was neither his Christen name nor any place of residence mention'd in it, so that any other h There does not appear reason ·for supposing that Col. Hutchinson had any distinct prOspect of manifesting his sentiments with efl:'ect, nor can these declarations be accounted for upon any prineiple but that of general disdain. The complete and generous attachment of lVIrs. Hutchinson deserves a higher term: if our l~nguage would admit of it, <IS the French does aevoiiement, we should call it devotion.