rest till she made a short voyage into the country to fetch him supplies, which he did. Assoone as she was gone, the lieftenant of the Tower sent his iaylor, Mr. Edward Cresset, early in the morning, upon the 16th day of April 1664, to fetch Mr. Hutchinson to his lodgings, whither being come, Cresse t withdrew, and the lieftenant to!.d Mr. Hutchinson that he had bene civill to him in permitting his children to come to him with their mother, and yet he had not payd him his fees and dues, although that warrant which allow'd the access of his wife did not mention his children, and therefore he now demanded his dues. Mr. Hutchinson told him, " At his departure out of the "Tower he should not be behind hand with him for the civility of " suffering his children to come to him." Robinson replied, " That' " signified nothing, he expected his dues, and would have them." Mr. Hutchinson answer'd, " His was not every prisoner's condition, " for he had bene now 24 weekes kept close prisoner, and yett never . " knew accuser nor accusation against him, and therefore he should " desire to consider before he parted from his mony; but for any " civillities he should repay them." Robinson sayd, " He medled " with no man's crimes, but whither guilty or not guilty, he ex- " pected his dues, which he could recover by law if they were " refus'd." Mr. Hutchinson asking, "What they were?" He sayd, "Fifty ponnds ." Further _demanding, " By what law they were " due, soe as he could recover them ?" Robinson answer'd, " By " custome." l\!I r. I-Iutchinson told him, " He was confident that " pretence would not recover them; and if he thonght it would, he " would goe to a civill and faire trial! with him the next terme; yett " due or not due, what civillities he either had or should afford him, " he would recompence at parting." Robinson answer'd, " l-Ie " stood upon his right, and he would make Mr. Hutchinson, or " somebody elce, pay it." Mr. Hutchinson told him, " He knew " not who he meant by somebody elce, but if his liberty were taken