Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

18 have' 1!:-iiuiH<*H' Fire yea res after me my mother had a daughter that she nurst at her ownc brest, and was infinitely fond of above all the rest, and I being of too serious a temper was not so pleasing to n1yg ;;.~.;.:·**-*·'~~ rAt thi s place is a g reat chasm, many leaves being torn out apparently by the writer herself. ' Here the story of herself abruptly ends. G1·eat cat·e being taken to follow the orthography of the writer, the 1'Cader need be under no apprehension as to the co1nctness of the p1·int, though he should find the same w01·d spelt differently .even in the same line; as unpe1ject, i11!J1Cifect; son, sonne, g.c. The only deviation we have made ji·om the 1118. is in putting the U and V in their p1·oper places; they beiug uTitten p1·omiscuously.