Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

424 to the full, yet J\I.G. Hutchinson's eldest sonne found meanes to stealc into the Tower; and to informe his father of a mallitious lie that the lieftenant had made of him at court, that day that he fell out with him ; which was this.-Robinson told the king, that when Mr. Henningham and others were carried out of the Tower to be shipt away, Mr. Hntchinson looking out of his windore bad them take courage, they should yet have a day for it. This lie comming to Mr. Hutchinson's knowledge the 19th of April, moov'd him more then all his other base usage; whereupon he writt a letter to Robinsol1 to tell him he should have had a care of provoking his prisoners to speake, who had so much expos'd himselfe to every one of them ; and to let him know what he himselfe had observ'd and could proove, he drew it up into certeine heads, which he told him, if he continued his vile usage of him, he would publ ish. The articles were: 1st. That Robinson had affirm'd that the king gave no allowance to his prisoners, not so much -as to those who had all their estates taken from them; and accordingly he gave them none, but ·converted what the king allowed to his owne use, and threat'ned some of the prisoners with death if they offer'd to demand it; and suffer'd others, at twelve of the clock in the night, to make such a miserable outcrie for b1·cad, that it was heard into some parts of the city, and one was absolutely starv'd to death for want of rcliefe; although the king at that time told a pri soner, that he tooke more care for the prisoners then for his owne table. 2d. That he sett clowne to the king seven pounds a weeke for one prisoner, for whom he never lay'cl out above 27 or 30 shillings. a. weeke at the most. Sd. That he not only J,ept baek the prisoner's allowances, but exacted of them cxeessive·renls for bare prison lodgings, and empty warders houses unfuruisht; and if they have not punctually pay'd him, hath stifled them up by close imprisonmen t, without any order, allthough he knew they had not a penny to buy bread, but what came from the charity of good people.