426 came one night to fetch him home, with Newgate, and spited him ever after. All these things being notoriously true, this letter put him into a greate rage, and no lesse dread that the collonell, as he had threatned him, would publish it; whereupon, assoone as these things were lay'd to his charge, within ten dayes he pay'd hi s souldiers 15 n1onths pay of -22 due to them when t he letter was written. He having all that while kept back e ighteene pence a weeke out of every souldier's pay, and the souldiers understanding tha t Coil. Hutchinson's observat ions of his frawd had procur'd them this satisfaction, us'd to gi"e him thankes when t hey came to stand centinells at hi s doore. Presently after 1JC rece iv'd the letter, he went to Sr. Alien Apsl ey and complain' cl to him that the collonell had sent him a vile letter, but did not shew it Sr. Ali en, as he sent word to the co!lonell he would ; whereupon Sr. Ali en Apsley sent M1;. George Hutchinson with a letter to Sr. John Robinson, to tell him that if he would let him goe to his brother, he doubted not but he would be a good meanes to perswade the collonell to pay hilll fees, and to reconcil e differences be tween them. Sr. John, upon the 21st of April, went allong with Mr. George H utchinson to his brother, and at his entrance, in a passion began to quarrel! a t the collonell's sower lookes; who told him, if he had known they would not have pl eas'd him, and had had noti ce of his comming, he would have sett them in a glasse for him. Then Robinson told him, in a rage, he had written him a libel! . Mr. Hutchinson answer'd it was no libell , for he had sett his name to it, and it was truths, which if he put him to, he could proove by sufficient tes timonies. Whereupon be fell into horrible rayling and cruel! langnage, but by Mr. George Hntchinson's interposition a t length all was paci fied, and he was fairely going out of the roome wi.ih Mr. George H ntchinson, when his man Cresse tt minding him tha t the collonell had a fowle copie of his letter, and