Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

427 had sayd he would send it Sr. Allen, who had desir'd to see it; Robinson resolv'd to take that draught away from him; but the collonell foreseing that, had sent copies of it long before out of the Tower, which Robinson's dull head not dreaming of, came back and insolently commanded the col!onell to give •him the first draught of the letter. The collonell desir'd to be excus'd, whereupon Robinson sayd he would have his pocketts searcht, and accordingly bad Cressctt feele in them. He, a little moov'd, tooke a bottle in his hand, and bad Cressett forbeare if he lov'd his head, and told Sr. John if he had any warrant to search him from the king or councell he would submitt to it, but otherwise he would not suffer it, especially for a paper which was only of private concernment betweene them; for all this, when Sr. John saw that Cressett durst not approach the colloriell, . he commanded one Wale, a warder, to search his pocketls, who comming with entreaties to the collonell to permitt it, he suffer'd him; and then the lieftenant caus'd a little dressing box which the collonell had to be open'cl, and tooke away all the papers he found in it, among which there was one wherein the collonell had written a verse out of the 43d psa.lme, it was the first verse, to be ioyn'd with a narratiYe of his imprisonment, that he had provided to leave behind him for the satisfaction of his friend s. This paper Robinson carried to court, and sayd, that by the deceitful! and uniust man the collonell intended the king, although the application was of his owne making. In the mcane time, while they were mnsacking his box and pocketts Hobinson fell a rayling att the colllonell, giving him the base termes of Rebell and Murtherer, and such language as none could have learnt, but such as had bene convei·sant among the civil! society of Piekt-hatch, Turnbull-streete, and Billings-gate, neere which last place the heroe had his ed ucation.' When the collonell lJatiently told him he transgres t the act 1 In a former note we renu\rked that the evils of impri sonment were· con siderably enhanced by the custody of prisons] and peculiarly prisons of state being committed