Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

430 but very unsuspitious, and wee must !care it to the greate day, when all crimes, how secret soever, will be made manifest, whither they added poyson to all the other iniquity whereby they certeinly murther'd this guilLiesse servant of God. A few dayes after, att nine of the clock att night, after his wife was gone iiom him, Cressett brought the collonell a warrant, to tell him that he must, the next morning tide, goe downe to Sandown Castle, in Kent; which he was not surpris'd at, it being the bar~ barous custome of that place to send away the prisoners, when they had no knowledge, nor time to accommodate themselves f01: their iourney; but instead of putting him into a boate at the morning tide, about eight of the clock Sr. Henry vVroth came with a party of horse to receive him of the lieftenant, and finding him sick, and not well able to endure riding in the heate of the day, was so ci1·ill to let him goe by water in the evening tide to Gravesend, with a guard of souldiers in boates hired at his owne charge, where the horse guard melt him. By these meanes he got opertunity to take leave of his cl1ildren that were in towne, and about four of the clock was sent out of the Tower, with one Gregory, design'd to be his fellow pri soner; who going over the drawbridge, turn'd back to the lieftenant, and told him he would have accepted it as a greater mercy if the king had commanded him to be shott to death there, rather then to send him to a distant place to be sten,'d, he ha1·ing nothing but his trade to mai;1taine him, and his friends, from whom he should now be so fiuTe remoov'd that he could expect "nothing. The licftenant in scorne told him, he went with a charitable man that would not suffer him to sterve, whereby he expos' cl the mallice of their intentions to the collonell.: ·who thought it not enough to send him to a finTe prison not ,much diffe,ring fi·om exile, but .to n This Gregory seems to have been a low man, but had probably commanded a company in some of the city .reg iments during the latter times of the parliament.