Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

431 charge him with a companion, which however his kindnesse might have render'd him charitable to, yet they ought not to have putt upon him, neither would the collonell take notice of their imposition, though he design'd kindnesse to the ma11, had he bene worthy of it. The collonell's wife and children gott a boate and follow'd him to Gravesend, whither alsoe Gregories wife, and one that call'd him brother, went, and that night all the company and all the guards supt at the collonell's charge, and many of the guards lay in the chamber with him, who, with the reti·eshment of the evening ayre, and the content he tooke to be out of Robinson's claws, found himselfe, or through the livelinesse of his spiritt fancied himselfe, something better then he was in the Tower. The next morning, very early, his guards hurried him away on horseback; but, to speake truth, they were civill to him. His sonne went allong with him to see the place he was sent to, and Sr. Alien Apsley had procur'd an order for his servant to continue with him in the prison; his wife went back to London, to stay there to provide him such accommodation as she should l1eare he had need of. When he came to the castle, he found it a lamentable old ruin'd place, allmost a mile distant from the towne, the roomes all out of repaire, not weather-free, no kind of accommodation either for lodging or diet, or any conveniency of life. Before he came, there were not above halfe a dozen souldiers in it, and a poore lieftenant with his wife and children, and two or three cannoneers, and a few gnns allmost dismounted, upon rotten carriages; but ':t the collonell's comming thither, a company of foote more were sent from Dover to helpe guard the place, pittifull wcake fellows, halfe ste rv'd and eaten up with vermine, whom the governor of Dover cheated of halfe their pay, and the other halfe they spent in drinke. These had no beds, but a nasty court of guard, where a sutler liv'd, within a partition made of boards, with his wife and famely, and this was all the ac3 M