43'Z commodation the collonell had for his victualls, which was bought a t a deare rate a t the towne, and most horribly drest a t the sutlers. For beds he was fore' d to send to an inne in the towne, and at a most unconscionable rate hire three, for himselfe and his man and Captaine Gregoric, and to get his chambet· glaz'cl, which was a thorowfare roome, that had five do01·es in it, and one of them open'd upon a platforme, that had nothing but the bleake ayre of the sea, which every tide washt the foote of the castle walls; which ayre made the chamber so unwholesome and damp, tha t even in the summer time the collonell's hat-case and trunkes, and every thing of leather, would be every clay a!! cover'd over with mould, wipe them as cleane as you could one morning, by t he next they would moHldie againe; and though the walls were foure yards thick, yet it rain'd in through cracks in them, and then one might sweepe a peck of saltpeter of of them every day, which stood in a perpetmill sweate upon,them. Notwithstanding all this, the collonell was very chcerefull, and made the bdt shifts he could, with things as he found them, when the licftenant's wife, seeing his stomach could not well beare his food, olfer'd to bore! him, and so he and his man dieted with her for twenty shillings a weeke, he finding wine besides, and linnen, &c. Whi lst the sutler provided his meate, Gregory eate with him; but when he tabl ed with the captaine, Gregories sonne comming to him, he had hi s meate from the towne, and soone after a woman came downe who left not the man destitute and comfortlesse. The worst part of the collonell's sulferings in this prison, was the company of this fellow, who being a fellow prisoner, and poore, and the collonell having no particular retreate, he could not wholly decline his company, and he being a cm·nall person, without any feare of God , or any good, but rather scandalous conversation, he could take no pleasure in him; meane while many of his friends gave caution to his wife concerning him, as suspecting him a trapaner, which we had after som~ cause to feare .