Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

433 'fhe 'Captaine of the castle, one Freeman, had all this while a chamber which was a little warmer, and had a bed in it, but this he reserv'd, intending to sett a rate up01i it, and this too was so darke one could not have read by the fire or the bedside withont a candle at noon clay. 'When the collonell's wife understood her husband's bad accommodation, she made all the means she could by her friends to procure liberty that she might be in ·the castle with him, but that was absolutely denied; whereupon she and her sonne and daughter went to Deale, and there tooke lodgings, from whence they walk'd every day on foote to dinner and back againe af night, with horrible toyle and inconvenience, and procm;d the captaine's wife to diet them with the collonell, where they had meate good enough, bnt through the poverty of the people, and their wants of all necessaries, and the faculty to order things as they should be, it was very inconvenient to t hem, yet the collonell endnr'd it so chearefully that he was never mom pleasant and contented in his whole life. ·when no Gther recreations were left him, he diverted himselfe with sorti ng and shadclawing cockle shells which his wife and daughter gather'd for him, with as much delight as he us'd to take in the richest agathes and onixes he could compasse with the most artificiall engravings, which were things, when he recreated himselfe from more serious studies, he as much delighted in as any piece of art. But his fancy shew'd itselfe so excellent in sorting and dressing these shells, that none of us could imitate it, and the coc.kles began to be admir'd by severall persons that saw them. These were but his trifling diversions, his businesse and continuall s-tudy was the scripture, which the he converst in, the more it delighted him; insomuch that his wife having brought downe some bookes to entertainc· him in his sollitude, he thank'd her, and told her that if he should continue as long as he liv'd in prison, he wou.Jd reacle nolhing there but his ]3ible. His wife bore all her owne toylcs ioyfully enough for the love of