, 437 After Mr. Hutchinson had bene some time prisoner at Sandowne, the governor of the castle came over, and wou ld faine have lett him his chamber for 20s. a week, which Mr. Hutchinson told him he would give him, if his wife might come there to him; but the governor refus'd that without an express order, which was endeavou r' cl but could not be obtein'd . Then l'reeman demanded a marke a weeke of the collonell for fees, but the collonell told him , except he could shew how it was due by any known law, he would not pay i t. Sometime after the governor of Dover came over, with the governor of Sandowne and one Mr. Masters, and l'reeman consulting his master of Dover how he should gett many of the collonell, the governor of Dove_r adviz'd to pu tt him inte a dungeon, but the fellow durst not attempt...i t. Yet some time after he came to the castle, and passing into his owne chamber, through J\1r. H utchi nson's, who was there, as he went by with his lieftenant Moyle at his heeles, ·he call'd out to Mr. Hutchinson's man, and bad him bid Hutchinson come to him, without any addition of so much as the title of a gentleman. Mrs. Hutchinson being then in the . roome with her husband, desir'd him s.he might goe in with him and answer the captaine's insolency, and that he would take no notice of it, which he told her he would not, neither should she, and soe they went into 1he captaine's chamber, who had alsoe call'cl Gregory. When they were both there, the captaine turning to Moylc saycl, " Captaine " J\lloyle, I ordcine you to quarter Hutchinson and Gregorie to- " gether in the next roome, and if I-Iutchinson will make a partition " at his owne charge, he may have that part of the chamber t bat has " the chimney, and for this expect a marke a weeke of Hutchinson, " and a noble of Gregory ; and if they will have any enlargement " besides, they must pay for it."' Mr. I-Iutchinson langht at him, q In speaking of the persons who had the command of the castle, and custody of the prisoners, there seems jn some parts of the narrative to be a littl e perplexity; but