440 could not prosper. He once made this expression, " Although," sayd he, " I am fi·ee from any trucking with them, yet even that " consenting submission that I had, bath brought this suffering upon " me." And he would often say he wou ld never have so much as a civil! correspondence with any of them againe: yet when he mention'd Sr. Alien Apsley, he would say, he would never serve any that would not for his sake serve the person that had preserv'd him. 'Vhen his wife went away he was exceeding well and chearefull, . and so confident of seeing Owthorpe, that he gave her directions in a paper for planting trees, and many other things belonging to the house and gardens. " You give me," sayd she, " these orders, as " if you were to see that place again." " If I doe not," sayd he, " I thanke God I can r:hearefully foregoe it, but I will not distrust " that God will bring me back againe, and therefore I will take care "to.keepe it while I have it." The third of September, being Saturday, he had bene walking by the. seaside, and comming home found himselfe aguish, with a kind of shivering and payne. in his bones, and went to bed and sweat exceedingly; the next day was a little better, and went dmvne, and on the Monday expecting another fitt, which came upon him, lay in bed all day, and rose againe the next day, but went not d0wne, and after that he slept no more 'till his last sleepe came upon him, but continued in a feaverish distemper, with violent sweatings, after which he us'd to rise out of his bed to refresh him, and when he was up us'd to read mt;ch in his Bible. He had appoynted his wife, when she went away, to send him the Dutch Annotations on the Bible, and she had sent it downe with some qther things; which he presently caus\l to be brought him, though he was in his bed, and some places in the Epistle to the Romans read, which having heard, " these annotators," sayd he, " are short;" and then looking over some notes upon that Epistle, which his wile had left in a booke she had gather'd from him~ " I have," sayd he, " discover'd