Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

442 was a nurse watcht in his chamber, and she told them after hi~ death, that she heard him pray in the night, with the deepest sighs that ever she heard. The next morning, before the doctor and his daughter, and brother and servants came to him, the gentlewoman of the castle came up and ask'd him how he .did? He told her, incomparably well, and full of faith. Sometime after, when the doctor came, he told his brother that the fever had seiz'd his head, and that he believ'd he would soone fall into ravings and die, and therefore wisht him, if he had aniething to say to him1 to speake while he was in perfect sence. So Mr. George Hutchinson came to him, and told him he believ'd he ·could not live, and therefore desir'd him if he h~d aniething to do, to dispatch it, for he believ'd his end was approaching. The collonell, without the least deiection or amazement, replied, very composedly and chearcfully, "The will of the Lord be done, I am ·" ready for it." And then he t<'Jid them that he did now confirme the will he writt in the Tower for his last will <tnd testament, and all · ·others to be voyd. 'fhe doctoJ·, who had, when · religion was in fashion, bene a pretender to it, came to him, and askt him if his peace was made with God; to which he replied, " I hope you do " not think me so ill a Christian, to ha~-c bene thus long in prison, "and have that to doe now!" The doctor asked him concerning the -ground of his hope; to whioh he >Unswcr'd, "There's none but Christ, " none but Christ, in whom I have unspeakable ioy, more then I " can expresse; yet I should utter more, but that the sorenesse ·of "my mouth makes it difficult for me to speakP..'' '!'hen they askt him where he would 'be hurried? He ~old them, in his vault ll.t Owthorpe; his •bl·other told him it wolll.Jd be 'a long way to carr·ie him: he answet!d, "Let tny wife order the manner of it as she will, " only I would, lie there." He left a kind message to his wife," Let " her," sayd he, " as she is ab<Dve obher weomen, shew herselfe, in " t.his occasion, a goocl ohl'istiall, anrl ab0¥e the pit£h of ordinary