44S " weomen,"' He commanded his daughtex that was present to tell the rest, that he would haye them all guided hy he1· councells; and left with his brother the same message to his.eldest so.nne. "I would," sayd he, " have spoken to my wife and. sonne, but it is not the will " of God;" then aii he was going to utter sOJ;pething, " here's none but friends;" his brother minded him the doctor was present; " 0, I " thanke you," sayd he; and such was their amazement in their sorrow, that they did not think of speaking to the doct01: to retire, but lost what he would ha1·e sayd, which I am confident was some advice to his sooue how to demeane himselfe io publick concernments. He lay all the day very sensible and very chearefull, to the admiration of both the doctors and of all that saw him; and '\S his daughter sate weeping by him, " Fie Bab," sayd he, "doe you " rnourne for me as for one without hope? There is hope." He dcsir'd his brother to remember him to Sr. Alien Apsley, and tell him that he hoped God would reward his labour of love to him. While l1e was thus speaking to them, his spiritts decay'd exceedingly fast, and his pulse grew very low, and his head allready was earth in the upper part; yett he rays' cl himselfe in his bed, "And nc:nv," sayd he to the doctor, " I would faine know your reason why you fancy " me dying; I feele nothing in wyselfe, my head is well, my heart " is well, and I have no paine nor sicki)esse any where." The doctor seeing this, was amaz'd; " Sir," sayd be, "I would be glad to " be deo~v'd ;'' and being at a stand, he told Mr. George I-lutch- ·inson he was surpriz'd, .and knew not what to thinke, to see him so c.hear!')full and undisturb'd, when his pulse was gone; which if it w.ere not death, might be some strilnge working of the spleen, and th.erefoFe advis'd hi•:u to SI)Pd away for Dr. Ridgely, which he would s T~1is is that command of her ·husband which Mrs. H utohinson speaks of at the beginning of her narratiwe, where she sp.ys she ha, d ~termi,ned to employ h~r though ts "P'III the preser~~tjon yf !)is menwry, not the frniiiees bew~iling of it. I .