Hutchinson -DA407 .H9 H7 1806

444 before have ~one, but that the doctor told him he fear'd it would be vaine, and that he would be dead before the doctor could come. While they were preparing to write, the collonell spoke only these two words; "'Tis as I would have it: 'tis where· I would have it:" and spoke no more, for convulsions wrought his mouth, yet did his sence remaine perfect to his last breath; for when some named Mrs. Hutchinson, and sayd, "Alas, how will she be surpriz'd !" he fetcht a sigh, · and within a little while departed; his countenance settling so amiably and cheerefull in death, that he lookt after he was dead as he us'd to do when best pleas'd in life. It was observable that the same bower, and the same day of the month, and the same day of the weeke, that the wicked souldiers fetcht him out of his owne rest and quiet condition at home, eleven months before, the Lord of hosts sent his holy angels to fetch him out of their cruell hands up to his everlasting and blessed rest above; this being the Lord's-day, about seven o'clock at night, the eleventh clay of September, 1664; that, the same day and bower, the eleventh of October, 1663. The two doctors, though mere strangers to him, were so moov'd, that they both 'vept as if it had bene their brother; and he of Canterbury sayd, he had bene with many eminent persons, but he never in his whole life saw any one receive death with more Christian . courage, and constancy of mind, and stedfastnesse of faith, then the collonell had exprest from the first to the last; so that, considering the heigth of his feaver, and his want of rest, there was an evidence of a devine assistance that overrul'd all the powers and operations of nature. This doctor, who was call'd Dr. Jachin, had most curiously and strictly observ'd all his motions, I know not by what impulse, but he after sayd, in regard of the collonell's former engagements, he knew he should be examin'd of all circumstances, and therefore was resolv'd dilligently to observe them; and as he guess'd, it after fell out, for the gentlemen of the country, being