445 of the royall partie, were busie in their enquiries, which the doctor answer'd with snch truth and clearnesse as made them ready to burst with envie at the peace and ioy the Lord was pleas'd to give his servant, in taking him out of this wicked wotld. I am apt to thinke that it was not alone tendernesse of nature, but conviction of their owne disturbed peace, which drew those teares from the doctors, when they saw in him that blessed peace and ioy which crownes the Lord's constant martirs: whatever it were, the men were faithful! in divulging the glory of the Lord's wonderful! presence with his servant. Assoone as the collonell was dead his brother sent away a mes-- senger to carrie the sad newes to his house, and caus'd his body to. be embalm'd in order to his funerall, as he had thrice order'd. ·when he was embowell'd all his inwards were found exceeding sound, and no taint in any part, only two or three purple spotts. on his lungs: his gall, the doctor sayd, was the largest that ever he saw in any man, and observ'd it to be a miracle of grace that he 'had. bene so pa.tient as he had seene him. Some two or three dayes before the collonell fe!I sick, Freeman, the captaine of the castle; had sent downe a very strict order that the collonell should carrie nothing out of the castle: in persuance of 1vhich the souldiers would not suffer them to take out h1s beds and furniture, and clothes, which Mr. Hutchinson. forbore till an order came for them.. Assoone as the newes came to. Owthorpe, the collonell's two, eldest sonnes and all his household servants went up to London with .his horses, and made ready a herse, trickt with scutcheons and six horses in mourning, with a mourning coacl~ and .six_ horses to waite· on it, and came downe to Deale with an order from the secretary for the body; but when they came thither the Ca:p~aine Freeman, in. spite, would not deliver it, ~ecause Mrs. Hutchinson herselfe was no.t come to fetch it; so they were forct, at an intollerable ex pence,_,